Best interventional cardiologist in Nagasandra

Dr Vinod Kumar - Specialist in Angiogram at Nagasandra

Expert in Angiogram

Angiogram Procedure by Dr Vinod Kumar K in Bangalore

An angiogram is a medical test that uses X-rays and contrast dye to visualise blood vessels in various organs of the body. It is helpful in detecting blood vessel abnormalities, such as blood clots, plaque deposits, and weakened blood vessels.

CT and MRI scans can also be used to perform angiograms. The results of an angiogram are used to diagnose and design treatments for a variety of conditions, including blood vessel obstructions and narrowing, angioplasty, stenting, coronary bypass, and chemo embolizations.

Dr Vinod Kumar K, DM ( CARDIOLOGY), the best interventional cardiologist in Nagasandra, has conducted numerous angiograms for patients during his career.

Before beginning the procedure, Dr Vinod will explain it to the patient in detail and may ask them to avoid food and drink the night before.

During the procedure, a mild anaesthetic is given to the patient, and a tube is guided into the blood vessel to be examined after numbing and disinfecting the area. A small incision is made, and fluoroscopic images of the arteries are obtained using contrast dye.

Although it is an invasive procedure, Dr Vinod ensures that patients experience minimal discomfort and pain.

If you need the best Angiogram in Nagasandra performed by an experienced doctor, contact Dr Vinod and book an appointment today.
