Best interventional cardiologist in Nagasandra

Dr Vinod Kumar - Specialist in Percutaneous Balloon valvuloplasty at Nagasandra

Expert in Percutaneous Balloon valvuloplasty

Percutaneous Balloon Valvuloplasty by Dr Vinod Kumar K in Bangalore

Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty is a medical procedure that can treat a narrowed heart valve. The technique involves inserting a balloon into the valve to improve blood flow. It is typically used to treat stenosis, which causes valve narrowing.

This non-surgical method is effective for treating both acquired and congenital valve stenosis. The procedure provides symptom relief by increasing blood flow.

Dr Vinod Kumar K, DM ( CARDIOLOGY), the best interventional cardiologist in Nagasandra has treated many patients using this technique. Before beginning the procedure, he will conduct tests to evaluate the condition of the valves and the overall health of the heart.

To improve the procedure, anesthesia and laxatives may be prescribed. After preparing the patient, a wire is inserted into a blood vessel in the leg, and then carefully guided to the heart valve.

Dr. Vinod will then pass a balloon-tipped tube across the wire.

Due to the invasive nature of this procedure, Dr. Vinod, the best cardiologist in Nagasandra takes great care to treat each case with precision and attention. Patients are monitored closely after the procedure, and Dr. Vinod will respond quickly if any issues arise.

Regular check-ups will be scheduled, and patients can typically return to their regular schedule within a week.

Schedule an appointment with us today to receive a highly accurate and risk-free balloon valvuloplasty procedure.
